
Search for bills or acts

Act Name
Authority Name
View Surat Pekeliling Am Bilangan 1 Tahun 2014 Bill Ministry of Youth and Sports
View Arahan Pegawai Pengawal KBS Bil.1 Tahun 2016 Ministry of Youth and Sports
View Arahan Pegawai Pengawal Bilangan 2 2016 : Peraturan Tuntutan Perjalanan Menggunakan Perkhidmatan Teksi dan Kereta Sewa Ministry of Youth and Sports
View Arahan Pegawai Pengawal Bilangan 3 2016 : Pengurusan Perolehan Bekalan dan Perkhidmatan Yang Lebih Cekap dan Mengikut Peraturan Ministry of Youth and Sports
View Surat Pekeliling Ketua Setiausaha Bilangan 1 Tahun2017 Bill Ministry of Youth and Sports
View Arahan Pengawai Pengawal KBS Bil.1 Tahun 2017: Kawalan Pengurusan Kewangan Tahun 2017 Ministry of Youth and Sports
View Surat Pekeliling Ketua Setiausaha Bilangan 1 Tahun 2019: Dasar Keselamatan ICT (DKICT) KBS Versi 7.1 Bill Ministry of Youth and Sports
View Garis Panduan Pengurusan Kewangan Ministry of Youth and Sports
View PEKELILING AM BILANGAN 4 TAHUN 2022 Bill Ministry of Youth and Sports
View SURAT EDARAN BA BIL. 1 2023 Bill Ministry of Youth and Sports
View SURAT EDARAN BA BIL 2 2023 Bill Ministry of Youth and Sports
View SURAT EDARAN BA BIL 3 2023 Bill Ministry of Youth and Sports
View SURAT EDARAN BA BIL 4 2023 Bill Ministry of Youth and Sports
View SURAT EDARAN BA BIL 5 2023 Bill Ministry of Youth and Sports
View Arahan YAB Perdana Menteri No.1 Tahun 2023 Gerakan Pemantapan Tatakelola Nasional Ministry of Youth and Sports
View Industrial Co-ordination Act 1975 (Act 156); Akta Ministry of International Trade and Industry
View Countervailing and Anti-Dumping Duties Act 1993 (Act 504); Akta Ministry of International Trade and Industry
View Safeguards Act 2006 (Act 657); Akta Ministry of International Trade and Industry
View Promotion of Investment Act 1986 (Act 327); Akta Ministry of International Trade and Industry
View Malaysian Investment Development Authority (Incorporation) Act 1965 (Act 397); Akta Ministry of International Trade and Industry